"I always think about the sun if it grows or shrinks. Well, either of the two, if it happens to be, still a bad thing for most of the planets in our solar-system, even for us mankind. How can I say that it is a bad thing, well take this assumptions for you to be clarrified."
"If sun shrinks/shrinking, then we most likely losing the better position where Earth is just enough to receive sunlight. If the sun shrinks, it just likely to be the sun is going to be a bit far from us where the enough sunlight we intend to receive will be lessen until such time the sun's energy is not enough to bring life to Earth. Inadequate solar power means a zero chance for life to continue. But it's not shrinking because...(read the next paragraph)"
"...because, the sun is growing. Yeah, you read it right and it was according to the astronomer that sun is growing. In fact they say that it is growing every year but so minimal that we can't even notice that it was. But according to their estimation, a few billion years from now and if earth is still here, the sun would be bigger enough to fry us and vaporize the planets that came to be near from the sun. If it will going to happen then our scientist is making a move about it if we can stop such catastrophe or else it ends everything."
"Don't get me wrong about sharing this one to you. I'm not even frightening everyone here about the case they assumpted. It just happen that I read about it and share it with you. Who knows, one of us will be scientist to think of ways to avoid the assumpted case. Good for us then."
what a brilliant question does a sun grows or shrink?... you got an amazing point... hope sun will keep steady and still of what it is... or else tremendous effect and damage will occur...
thank you.. just as you said, i hope sun will just remain its size forever..
As you said in this post, whether the sun is growing or shrinking; what can we do about this? I think we only can minimize the bad effect.
Wow!! what a great information..thanks for sharing. I will go back here to read more article. Thanks for the visit.
woohhhh, i dont wanna be a frying lady.. hehe scary huh!! but I;ve heard about this also.. Nice post..
Let us hope it doesnt grow and if it shrinks or burns out, let it be in 1000 kkkk years :)
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